
第七章 空中杀机:探寻死亡射线

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Legends.” In New Legends. Ed. Greg Bear (Sydney: Random House, 1995), pp. 304–305.

108Spinrad, Norman. “Too High the Moon.” Le Monde diplomatique, July 1999. 27 February 2004. http:// mondediplo/1999/07/14star.

109Seed, David. American Science Fiction and the Cold War (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1999), p. 190.

110Benford, Greg. “Old Legends.” In New Legends. Ed. Greg Bear (Sydney: Random House, 1995), pp. 303–304.

111Heinlein, Robert A. “The Last Days of the United States.” 1947. Expanded Universe.1980 (New York: Ace Science Fiction Books, 1983), p. 155.

112Clarke, Arthur C. Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! A Vision of the 20th Century as it Happened (London: Voyager, 1999), p. 424.

113Sawyer, Robert. “Author has Harsh Words for Star Wars Plan.” Toronto Star, 18 August 1985. 2 September 2004. http://sfwriter/asimov2. htm.




117Spinrad, Norman. “Too High the Moon.” Le Monde diplomatique, July 1999. 27 February 2004. http://mondediplo/1999/07/14star.

118Clarke, Arthur C. Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! A Vision of the 20th Century as it Happened (London: Voyager, 1999), p. 527.

119Bova, Ben. Assured Survival: Putting the Star Wars Defense in Perspective (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1984), p. 142.

120Reiss, Edward. The Strategic Defense Initiative (Wiltshire, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1992), p. 42.

121Reagan, Ronald. Interview in News-week, March 18, 1985.

122Hernandez, Raymond. “Questions Arise About Resume of Challenger to Clinton.” New York Times, March 23, 2006. http://nytimes/2006/03/23/nyregion/23kt.html?pagewanted=print&_r= 0.

123Pournelle, Jerry, and Larry Niven. Interview with Geoffrey Landis. 15 February 2004. http:// home.earthlink/~geoffreylandis/NPinterview.html.

124Pournelle, Jerry. “Le Monde, SDI, Space, and The Council.” CHAOS MANOR debates. April 19, 2000. 2 March 2004. http://jerrypournelle/debates/nasa-sdi.html.

125Spinrad, Norman. “Too High the Moon.” Le Monde diplomatique, July 1999. 27 February 2004. http:// mondediplo/1999/07/14star.

126Pournelle, Jerry. “Le Monde, SDI, Space, and The Council.” CHAOS MANOR debates. April 19, 2000. 2 March 2004. http://jerrypournelle/debates/nasa-sdi.html.



129Bova, Ben. Assured Survival: Putting Star Wars Defense in Perspective (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1984), p. 321.

130Ibid., p. 280.

131RoboCop. Screenplay by Edward Neumeier and Michael Miner. Dir. Paul Verhoeven. Orion, 1987.

132Brin, David. The Postman (Reading: Bantam, 1987).

133Heinlein, Robert A. “The Last Days of the United States.” 1947. Expanded Universe.1980 (New York: Ace Science Fiction Books,1983), pp. 155–156.

134Clarke, Arthur C. Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! A Vision of the 20

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