
第八章 安德的游戏:杀戮机器

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ed. 27 November 2006. http://archive. wired. com/science/discoveries/news/2006/11/72156.

47Marchetti, Nino. “Video game gives soldiers better skills to handle bomb-sniffing dogs.” Gizmag, 10 November 2014. http://gizmag/rover-dog-ied-finder/34674/.

48Johnson, Ben. “Using virtual reality video games to treat PTSD.” Marketplace, 5 December 2013. http://marketplace.org/topics/tech/mind-games-mental-health-andvirtual-reality/using-virtual-reality-videogames-treat.

49Bangert, Christoph. “G.I.’s Deployed in Iraq Desert with Lots of American Stuff.” NYTimes. 13 August 2005.


51“DOD Stops Plan to Send Christian Video Game to Troops in Iraq.” ABC News. 15 August 2007. 18 September 2009. http://blogs.abcnews/theblotter/2007/08/dod-stopsplan-.html.

52Novak, Matt. “The Computer Simulation That Almost Started World War III.” Gizmodo Australia, 18 February 2015. http://gizmodo.au/2015/02/the-computersimulation-that-almost-started-world-wariii/.


54WarGames. Screenplay by Lawrence Lasker and Walter F. Parkes. Dir. John Badham. Cast: Matthew Broderick, Ally Sheedy, John Wood. MGM 1983.

55The Terminator. Written by James Cameron and Gale Ann Hurd. Dir. James Cameron. Cast: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn. Orion Pictures, 1984.

56Clarke, Arthur C. “Superiority.” 1951.The Collected Stories (London: Gollancz, 2000).

57Vonnegut, Kurt. Cat’s Cradle. 1963 (London: Penguin, 1965).

58“The Ultimate Computer.” Star Trek. Teleplay by D.C. Fontana. Story by Lawrence N. Wolfe. Dir. John Meredyth Lucas. NBC, 1966.

59Colossus: The Forbin Project. Screenplay by James Bridges. Novel by D.F. Jones. Dir. Joseph Sargent. Universal Pictures, 1970.

60Futureworld. Written by Mayo Simon and George Schenk. Dir. Richard T. Heffron. American International, 1976.

61Dark Star. Original story and screenplay by Dan O’Bannon and John Carpenter. Dir. John Carpenter. Cast: Brian Narelle, Dan O’Bannon. Jack H. Harris Enterprises, 1974.

62The Andromeda Strain. Screenplay by Nelson Giddings, based on the novel by Michael Crichton. Dir. Robert Wise. Cast: Arthur Hill, Kate Reid, James Olson. Universal Pictures, 1971.

63Haldeman, Joe.The Forever War. 1974 (London: Orbit Books, 1976), p. 35.

64Haldeman, Joe. Forever Peace. 1997 (New York: Ace Science Fiction, 1998), p. 12.

65RoboCop. Screenplay by Edward Neumeier and Michael Miner. Dir. Paul Verhoeven. Orion, 1987.

66Haldeman, Joe. “War—Past, Present and Future.” Speech at Cosmopolis, September 2004. http://google.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCQQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcccb.org%2Frcs_gene%2Fjoe_haldeman.pdf&ei=ef4xVfrTN4TsmAX-5YHADw&usg=AFQjCNFU2hvdysnw9J_Ty24MK3FOPTLKpw&sig2=ZLOnlhzIK7lE-M70IAMI0g& bvm=bv.91071109,d.dGY.

67Haldeman, Joe. Forever Peace. 1997 (New York: Ace

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