
第三章 战争越来越科幻化:1942—1945年

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但是在战争期间,除了由于一些小事故,例如卡特米尔、威利和莱茵斯特与军方审查人员发生冲突,稍有些抱怨之外,那个时期大部分的美国科幻小说作家是全力与美军合作的,乔·霍尔德曼的小说中的角色后来说:“最后的正义战争,仿佛曾经有过一场正义战争一样。”61尽管阿西莫夫经常表达对军队生活的憎恨,但他尝试进入候补军官学校失败后,终于在1945年9月被招募入伍,并晋升为下士,成为神枪手。62他通过申请“研究放电”(research discharge,这也“意味着我没有在年轻时死于白血病”),勉强逃过参与在比基尼岛进行的核弹试验,但是他后来也承认“事实上,不管怎样我在军队没有受到虐待”63。


1Aldiss, Brian, and David Wingrove. Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction (London: Victor Gollancz, 1986), pp. 47–48.

2Heinlein, Robert A. “The Last Days of the United States.” 1947. Expanded Universe (New York: Ace Science Fiction Books, 1980,1983), p. 152.

3Wright, Bradford W. Comic Book Nation:The Transformation of Youth Culture in America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001), p. 31.

4“The Press: Superman’s Dilemma.” Time Magazine, April 13, 1942. 1 October 2011. http://time/time/magazine/article/0,9171,766523,00.html.

5Lowther, George. The Adventures of Superman (Bedford, MA: Applewood Books,1995), p. xv.

6Sabin, Roger. Adult Comics: An Introduction (London: Routledge, 1993), p. 146.

7Ibid., pp. 147–148.

8Valant, Gary M.; Vintage Aircraft Nose Art (Osceola, NE: Motorbooks International, 1987).


10Quoted in Daniels, Les. Marvel: Five Decades of the World’s Greatest Comics (London:Virgin, 1991), p. 40.


12Steranko, James. The Steranko History of Comics (Reading, PA: Supergraphics, 1970).

13Wright, Bradford W. Comic Book Nation: The Transformation of Youth Culture in America (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001), p. 43.

14Jones, Gerard. Men of Tomorrow: Geeks,Gangsters and the Birth of the Comic Book (New York: Basic Books, 2004), p. 214.

15McGrath, John J. The Other End of the Spear: The Tooth to Tail Ratio (T3R) in Modern Military Operations (Fort Leavenworth: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2007), pp. 73–74.

16“The Ghost Front.” The War. Script by Geoffrey C. Ward. Dir. Ken Burns. Florentine Films, 2007.

17U.S. War Department. Order of Battle of the United States Land Forces in the World War, American Expeditionary Forces: General Headquarters, Armies, Army Corps, Services of Supply, Separate Forces, Volume 1, 8.

18McGrath, John J. The Other End of the Spear: The Tooth to Tail Ratio (T3R) in Modern Military Operations (Fort Leavenworth: Combat Studies Institute Press, 2007), pp. 73–74.

19Jones, Gerard. Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters and the Birth of the Comic Book (New York: Basic Books, 2004), p. 214.

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