

时间:2023-04-12 06:14:47


XU Yong LI Min-Hao4

〔Abstract〕The importance of constructing an independent knowledge system in China has been much discussed in academic circles, but less on how to proceed. Since the reform and opening up of China, some scholars have developed original concepts based on their experience in China, but on the whole, the present concepts are more based on certain experiences. The “orphaned concepts” that are individual, fragmented, isolated, and unconnected need to be linked together through certain ties to form a system of knowledge or a family of concepts with certain connections. The basic problems of the discipline and the classical issues arising from its research are the ties that link these concepts together to form a system of knowledge. Since the reform and opening up of China, a great deal of research has been carried out on the basic issues of grassroots governance, and many original concepts have been established, making grassroots governance one of the most active fields of study. In order to link these “orphaned concepts” into a family of systematic concepts, it is necessary to place the concepts within the framework of the basic issues embedded in the research object, to link them with the classical issues that arise from the basic issues, so as to promote the systematic construction of the concepts of grassroots governance research in China by using the basic issues and the classical issues as a link.

〔Keywords〕philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics; knowledge system; orphaned concepts; issues; grassroots governance


HONG Xiang-Hua YU Huan11

〔Abstract〕Our Party has a pivotal role in building China into a modern socialist country in all respects. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has led the people in successfully exploring and forming an independent Chinese path to modernization that is adapted for China’s national conditions, features Chinese characteristics, and highlights its global significance. From the perspective of the appearance logic, presence logic and future logic, the Chinese path to modernization under the leadership of the Party surpasses the western modernization construction model and civilization form, contains the unique Chinese gene and Chinese power, and provides a new path to realize modernization. As China’s socialist modernization drive develops in depth, its inclusiveness and openness contributed Chinese wisdom, Chinese practice and Chinese form to the modernization drive. Entering a new stage of development, in order to create a new miracle of Chinese modernization, we must improve the Party’s overall leadership layout in harmony w


