护眼 字体:大
Popular Wisdom’, PW 204, 205.
[35] ‘Existentialism and Popular Wisdom’, PW 216.
[36] ‘Existentialism and Popular Wisdom’, PW 213.
[37] FC 27. 又见LS 390 n. 350.
[38] SdB to JPS, 25 January 1946, LS 400.
[39] SdB to Sartre, 18 January 1946, LS 395.
[40] SdB to Sartre, 18 January 1946, LS 397.
[41] Sartre to SdB, February 1946 (n.d.), QM 274.
[42] Sartre to SdB, February 1946 (n.d.), QM 275.
[43] Cohen-Solal, Sartre, p.279.
[44] TIME (1946) ‘Existentialism’, 28 January, 28–9.
[45] Sartre to SdB January 1946 (n.d.), QM 274. 萨特之后在1946年2月也表达过类似的情绪。
[46] 见Jean-Pierre Boulé, Sartre, Self-formation and Masculinities, p.168.
[47] Beauvoir, ‘An Eye for an Eye’, in Margaret Simons, ed., Philosophical Writings, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, pp.245–60, here p.257.
[48] FC 87.
[49] FC 78.
[50] FC 84.
[51] 见Sylvie le Bon de Beauvoir,‘Chronologie’, xc. FC 92.
[52] ASD 105.
[53] 例如,1946年1月25日波伏瓦给萨特的信,“我们刚出了30万法郎”。在20世纪50年代,也有信件提到“我们的财务状况”。(见SdB toSartre, 20 August 1950, LS 472).
[54] FC 171.
[55] 见FC 70, 84.
[56] ‘Introduction to an Ethics of Ambiguity’, PW 290.
[57] FC 103.
[58] DPS 259, 19 May 1927.
[59] DPS 284, 19 July 1927.
[60] WD 3 November 1939.
[61] WD 133.
[62] 见SdB, in SdB,Simons and Todd,‘Two Interviews with Simone de Beauvoir’,Hypatia 3:3 (1989): 17.
[63] La Force de l’age, p.417, 引自Simons, 2010, p.921.
[64] Sartre to SdB, QM 277–8.
[65] AMM 187.
[66] FC 72.
[67] FC 75.
[68] SSP 187.
[69] Elizabeth Fallaize, The novels of Simone de Beauvoir, p.83.
[70] FC 73.
[71] FC 72.